Wednesday, January 21, 2009

DNC Blackberries

I do love the RedState post. One more point to make about this thing. 

Right at the end he mentions that Obama was looking into getting Blackberries for DNC senior staff. Mr. Faughnan (Faughnan?) suggests that Liberals threw a Hissy Fit when the RNC got Blackberries and the suggestion was called off to not look to Hypocritical. 

NOW, maybe he doesn't understand the argument here. The problem was NOT that the RNC people had Blackberries. It's that people (and I use the word charitably) like Karl Rove and other White House staff were using the RNC email accounts for Government business. Apparently, the RNC accounts are not covered by government disclosure rules. Now, Bush and his Administration clearly never understood this (i.e. chose to ignore it because they could do whatever they wanted, right?), so maybe their supporters don't either. But there is no problem if the DNC people have blackberries, so long as A) the Government doesn't foot the bill, and B) they don't use them for policy-making type conversations or Government business. THIS was the complaint. Not that hard to understand.

The GREAT thing is is that the article that RedState links to basically says Exactly that, and he STILL gets it wrong! I guess they don't teach reading comprehension in RedState.


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