Monday, November 3, 2008

The Landslide

This is the part where I beg everyone who reads this in the next 24 hours to get your ass out and vote. (Unless you're voting McCain, then you know, if you feel you HAVE to, go ahead.)

Unlike most, probably smarter, Democrats I am fairly confident McCain will get his flabby ass handed to him tomorrow. However, this is not enough in the world we live in.  In 2004 when Bush won re-election the howler monkeys went crazy about how he finally had a mandate.  The Chimp had finally been legitimately elected. What was his Mandate? Bush won by 3 million votes, 34 electoral votes, and this works out to about 1.5 percent of ALL the votes cast. 

Trust me, a 1.5% win is NOT enough for a legitimate Obama victory. The Howler Monkeys have already begun to convince everyone that this election is illegitimate and has been stolen by that swarthy man they have running on the Democratic ticket. Obama needs to Crush McCain. He needs to beat him like a Gong. So, no matter what state you live in vote for Obama. 

The upshot of all this is that no matter WHAT happens the Howlers will howl. But Hannity, O'Reilly and their ilk will look FAR more ridiculous trying to claim that the democrats stole the election if Obama crushes McCain.  Given the modern standard I figure 350 E.V. and 7% of the popular vote should do it. So get your ass out there and pump those numbers.


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