Why, you may ask. Surely the world does not need one more blog. I agree. But I'm bored and haven't been writing lately, and by lately I refer to loosely the last decade, give or take the odd week.
So, why is it called The Last 300 Days? A better question. Originally this was meant to be a chronicle of the last 300 days of the Bush administration and all the various things he was doing to piss me off. Currently the Chimp in Chief is on about day 77 and counting (WHY does this country give the Chief Executive 2 1/2 months to screw up after we boot his ass out?) As you can see I have not been doing a good job of keeping up, however I still like the last 300 days.
It occurred to me that even after the predicted Obama victory things will stay interesting. There is a lot of pressure on him to walk the waters from the left and a lot of people on the right hoping for him to crash and burn and slinging gasoline to help the process.
Besides. Maybe the Apocalypse is nigh and 300 days from now we will be watching the holy being yanked bodily into the light and the rest of us writhing down as the earth splits wide and demons run amuck. Hey, you don't know. Or maybe McCain will actually win. Same difference.
Well, anyway...
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