Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Antichrist.. Again

Newsweek. You are dead to me. Not that I read you anyway, so I guess you can keep publishing your UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT!

Seriously. Newsweek printed an article entitled, "Is Obama the Antichrist?" Now, unlike some of the liberal bloggers I've seen on this, I'm not entirely pissed that they are reporting on this phenomenon. My problem, is the complete lack of mocking. These people that think this are fucking morons. They are gone. You can not reason with these fucking people. I've given up on them. The only thing you can do is, at the very fucking least, don't LEGITIMATIZE their FUCKING INSANE POSITIONS. Jesus, Newsweek. 

Now, believing in the First Amendment like a good liberal, I don't have a problem with these people per se, but I don't want them getting serious attention. They need mocking attention. They need to be a sidebar to the wonderful things they are doing with psychotropic drugs these days. They are insane, or at the very least they are mislead, confused and need serious help. But it's a religious position, so it's off limits to criticism in polite society. 

So, not criticizing here just asking. And all I'm asking (and I know you people aren't reading this blog) if you actually hold the idea that the bible is 100% literally true and Obama is and/or may be the Antichrist, stop using our shit. And by OUR I mean the science people. Stop using our medicine. Stop watching our Televisions. Stop enjoying our movies with our fucking awesome special effects. You guys want to live in the Dark Ages, fine. Grab a sword, grab a bow and arrow and move into the fucking forest and live the dreams, you troglodytic fucks.  In fact, don't even grab a sword, it might be made of steel and steel requires SCIENCE!


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