Rudy really doesn't sell well to anyone but that elusive group known as New York City Republicans, which, I'm told, tend to be be more socially liberal than your average Republican found loud and proud in the wilds of Alabama and Pennsyltucky. The Republican Party's antics have largely erased this group of social-liberals/fiscal-conservatives elsewhere over the years, or sent them screaming to the Libertarians. Now, clearly playing the hard conservative didn't work exceptionally well for McCain this year (despite the protests of Limbaugh), so perhaps in 4 or 8 years, depending on how Obama does, this group may grow. But right now, Rudy just doesn't test well.
For those, like Rudy, who do not remember, Rudolph got his ass thumped like Tarzan's chest during the Republican Primaries. Let's have a little stroll through his greatest hits.
Iowa: 3%
New Hampshire: 9%
Michigan: 3%
Nevada: 4%
You get the idea. Rudy's high water mark was Florida (yep, only 3% in New York). He got 15%. Now for those who don't remember, Rudy hit Florida hard hoping to win so he could get some cred for Super Tuesday. And he STILL only got 15% and Rudy finally went home to the loving arms of his third wife and the warm bath of his personal delusions.
Good luck, Rudy, I hope you run, I could use a good laugh.
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