Saturday, December 13, 2008

NOW they pay attention

It is a well known fact that Republicans only pay attention to political scandal (or the lack thereof) when it's affecting Democrats. After years of being lied to by the lyingist administration of quite possibly the entire history of the union, now they get all worked up. 

I'm of course referring to the Blagojevich scandal.  All the Republican blogs (i'm looking at you particularly Michelle Malkin, you fuck) are all up in arms desperate to make something of this. 

Here is but one example. I'm not entirely sure this guy is of the more psychotic variety of Republican, but he's making a patently ridiculous argument.  After the 8 years of catastrophe this one little bit of guilt by association is supposed to make everyone lose all faith in Obama? I have no doubt that Obama is playing a bit of cover-his-ass. Rahmbo does seem to have a bit of a bad streak. But seriously, all the facts point to Obama and Blago not being the best of buddies. There is just no scandal here. Obama seems to take governing seriously, he is appointing smart people and laying out a plan to actually help, rather than destroy the economy. 

It's sad that the Insane Conservative Posse is not even remotely cowed by the severe beatings of the last two major election cycles, but I'm not entirely surprised.

Fortunately, most people finally have decided what is important and what ain't, so Obama's numbers are hanging strong, despite all these efforts to find a there there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Obama is making it easier on the people? Don't let the recession get you down. When was the last time you looked at government grants? With the bailout, there is more money than ever. Don't miss out.

My Grant Blog