Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baal Worshippers

For those of you who did not grow up in a religious household, perhaps a little explanation is in order. Baal Worshippers were a particularly favorite boogie man in the Old Testament. I don't know how much is known of them Historically, but in the bible they are fairly nasty. I don't have my bible handy, but I think they were the ones that ended up in that Preach-off against Elisha that resulted in the incinerated alter. Elisha was all over that shit. 

Anyway, a second recent occurrence of crazy religious/political behavior comes from some wacko at the WorldNetDaily. He compares Baal worshippers with current liberal type people. You really have to read it, but the general thrust is that both groups  are comprised of child-murdering hedonists. Now, I don't think this guy is strictly speaking as a Republican, but clearly this is the faction that that Party has tied itself to.

I don't want to get too much into Abortion or Gay rights here (maybe later, when i'm drunk... drunker), but it never ceases to amaze me that the Anti-Abortion factions are always painting the pro-choice segment as reveling in abortion,  like we all use aborted zygotes as breakfast spread or something. During one of the debates, Obama made the point that reasonable people could search for a common ground about limiting abortions. This is a reasonable position. Reasonable people agree that ideally there would be no Abortion, but scared girls are going to seek this as an answer and they should be protected.  An unreasonable position is demonizing your opposition and comparing them to child-sacrificing orgy-goers. I mean, no matter how much fun that sounds like. 


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