Friday, December 5, 2008

Get over it

Does anyone remember 2000? Remember there were these two guys, Gary Bush and Alberto Gore. Where are those guys now?

Ok, so everyone remembers 2000, but lets have a refresher. Gore wins the popular vote and Bush ekes out a victory by a slim electoral vote margin in, say it with me, Florida. Florida, where Bush's Brother, Jeb, is Governor. Florida, where Katherine Harris was Secretary of State and responsible for certifying the final recount (or something. She was fucking important, ok!).  Funny story, Ms. Harris was ALSO The Chief Chimp's campaign co-chair in Florida. Now, some might call this a conflict of interest. Of course, a LOT of other people would only call it a conflict of interest ONLY if this situation happened to the Republicans (I'm looking at you, Limbaugh, You Fuck). 

Now, here we have a highly contested state with some Serious conflicts of interest. But is the ultimate result decided in a hot and heavy recount like the one currently going on in Minnesota? No, it is decided by the Supreme Court in a suit filed by Mr. Bush where a recount is STOPPED and Bush declared the winner. 

Now, what was the advice of Republicans to Democrats in the face of such a highly dubious election result? Get over it. Get over it.  Daily Kos? Get over it. Just a general person with some sense of fairness and decency? Get over it.

So, now, the shoe is on the other foot. Except it isn't. Obama/McCain is not a contested election. In fact, given today's circumstances the result was the closest you could have to a blow-out. But in the next couple of posts I will outline a few of the temper tantrums by certain people on the Right that are actually getting some play in the mainstream media (i'm looking at you, Hannity, you fuck). And to those people I have a word of advice. I feel your pain. We Democrats (or more accurately, in my case, liberal-leaning independents) are actually kind of used to losing. So, my friends, I fear you will not listen to me, but for your own peace of mind...

Get. The Fuck. Over. It. And, more importantly, quit bother us while we get the country back on track. Finally.


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