I admit. I lost hope, I lost my sense of humor. These are things I should not do, I mean, this is the Age of Hope and, well, lose your humor and you may as well make a date with a .44 shell.
But it is amazing to me how little the Republican Party has changed after the consecutive 2006/08 pummelings. There are NO prominent signs of actual introspection. I mean, in one way it is good because they will die the slow, painful death of any political party that refuses to change with the times. Now, I'm not talking about Coulter, Limbaugh, Malkin. No, these fools make their money saying stupid, outrageous things and, honestly, to maintain their lifestyles they'd be damn fools to stop. I mean, whether they believe their own shit or not.
NO, I'm talking about elected officials. People who's very livelihood requires actually appealing to people. Now, when times are good these fools are more annoying than dangerous. But when times ARE tough it is exactly the reverse.
These people ARE dangerous. They have no idea how to govern and they have no interest in governing and they have been stirring up 'the silent majority' for so many years against straw-men, like the media and hippies, for so fucking long that they can't even tell the difference between their own election rhetoric and their JOBS. YOU WERE ELECTED TO HELP YOU FUCKING FUCKS!!! SO HELP OR GO THE FUCK HOME! Seriously, fuck 'em all.
Ok. Humor back. On to O'Reilly.
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