Anyway, two weeks ago in his weekly NY Post column, he dropped this Beauty. Basically, the thrust of the article is that the Newspaper industry is collapsing because It's Too Liberal! Of course! It all makes sense.
The Newspaper Industry is collapsing because occasionally it expresses 'opinions' that Bill disagrees with. It has nothing to do with the fact that a) the economy is collapsing in general; b) media is undergoing fundamental changes that have been going on for years and are finally coming to a head; and in a nod to Bill's real influence, c) Right-Wing Hacks have been trying for YEARS to completely undermine the media.
This is the true legacy of assholes like Bill O'Reilly and his troll-like pill-scarfing granddaddy Rush Limbaugh. They have been calling the media useless and untrustworthy for years and years. And it's finally starting to stick.
Now, I don't want to give them too much credit, but the media plays a large and incredibly important role in Democratic society. Ideally the Media stands up to the Government and lets the People know what the FUCK is GOING ON.
Spending the last however many years reading media criticism there is a huge difference between Left criticism and Right ummm... 'criticism'. The basic difference is this, the Left recognizes the value of the press, they just wish that the Press would, you know, do their job, get the facts right and not give politicians a free pass for being idiots and whores just because they're personable (Hello, W!). People on the Right shout bias when something occurs they don't agree with and spend the rest of the time destroying the credibility of any press organization that does not cling tightly to their ideological views.
Now, this is a bit simplistic synopsis, but it's largely accurate. The Right by-and-large has about as much respect for the Press as they do for the Government. Both of these organizations exist for a reason, primarily because, despite the problems they can cause, life is better With them than Without them. People like Rush and Bill do not seem to grasp this and in a traditional lack of Irony they do not even seem to understand that they ARE the press. God help us that there are Journalism students out there right now that may be looking up to these fools.
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