Now, admittedly I have not seen An Inconvenient Truth or any of that, so I will not claim to be an expert or even well-versed in all of this. Scientists seem to be in agreement for the most part so that seems good enough to me. However, I do think that a lot of the 'greening' type activities are annoying and there is a pretty healthy dose of hypocrisy (especially among the more vapid celebrities) involved in a lot of western efforts to 'combat' global warming. Our lifestyles are just not that green and are not likely to become so. Plus with countries like India and China on the rise and not giving two shits about the environment on their climb to the top I don't really see how we're going to stop this thing.
However, the common conservative response to all of this is just ridiculous. Maybe people are hysterical for no reason, so what? Caring too much is better than not caring at all. A few people have to care a TON just to get the rest of us lazy asses to put a plastic bottle in the recycle bin. Yes, The Super-Greenies can be occasionally annoying, but they have a decent goal. A human goal. Essentially the Conservative position is My Trust Fund is more important than Your Clean Water. I mean, that's essentially it. I guess that whole Cleanliness is next to Godliness thing stops at the conservative armpit.
Not trashing the Earth is a good goal, it should be our goal. It should be a human goal to live more in Harmony with the planet (says the boy in NYC) than by destroying it and if you contribute to that effort you should be given credit.
The Right is always complaining that the left are empty, cynical assholes with no spiritual values. Once again the environment issue proves that the only thing the Right truly excels at is demonstrating the psychological phenomenon of Projection.
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