But seriously, what is the deal with people like Bill O'Reilly and his ilk referencing Jack Bauer in their arguments for terror. It's fucking embarrassing people. Jack Bauer is Fucking Fictional! He's made up! This is really how these morons view the world. It honestly explains so much.
Almost all serious people, and serious knows no political bounds (or at least shouldn't), agree that torture does not work. It gets you bad information and it makes you look like a soulless dick while you're getting it. Movies are for Escape, not to be used in Supreme Mother-Fucking Court Arguments. Jesus, people.
Aren't you the party of Shut-up and sing?! I swear, nobody hates Celebrities more than the Right until ONE of them happens to actually swallow their crap. Their favorite president ever was an Actor. Arnie? Ted Nugent? Chuck Fucking Norris? God, the only thing shocking is somehow Huckabee made it through that campaign without slicking up the Norris Nob. And the right celebrities are such 2nd stringers. What do you have Clint Eastwood (barely) and John Wayne. Ben Stein was funny in Ferris Bueller, and he's been a dick since.
So, if the best argument for a Highly Questionable and Morally Repugnant Policy Position is a Fucking TV show you need to look long and hard at your politics. And your life.
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